by guest bloggers Amy Lang and Kim Estes

We’re moms, small business owners and entrepreneurs. We discovered pretty early in our parenting being a mom is all about work - mundane, challenging, unpaid, endless work. And as if that’s not enough fun, the price of failing at this particular job is high. There is another person whose whole life is dependent upon our ability to do our jobs well, or at least well enough.
Just like every other mother out there, we think our lives would be much easier if our kids had arrived with a training manual, a helpful “how to” video series or at least a little note that said something like:
Dear Amy and Kim,
Just a note to let you know, parenting is not intuitive. It’s a learned skill. The more you learn about parenting the better parent you will be.
Seriously. I’m not kidding here. Don’t be cowgirls and think you can wrangle this calf without some serious training.
Good luck!
The New Mama Fairy
PS - Please take this adage to heart and make taking care of yourselves a priority - If mama ain’t happy, nobody’s happy.
Amy’s son is now 10 and Kim’s girls are 13 and 9 and we are both parenting educators. Amy Lang teaches parents how to talk to their kids about the birds and the bees through her business, Birds + Bees + Kids. Kim Estes teaches parents how to keep their kids safe from sexual abuse, abduction and the big, bad world, through her business, Savvy Parents Safe Kids.
As Amy was putting her speaking schedule together for the year and applying to conferences she had a sudden revelation - What about moms? Why hadn’t she heard about a conference for moms? We work our butts off and rarely get any training, support or relevant continuing education.
Ta-da! The idea for MamaCon, Inspiration and Tools for Modern Moms, was born! We moms consider ourselves the CEO’s of our families and the time has come for a conference supporting our hard work.
The mission of MamaCon is to inspire, encourage and rejuvenate moms by providing top-notch parenting development and education, self-care tips that really work, relationship support, amazing vendors, wine tasting, great food and outstanding entertainment.
We also aspire to increase awareness of parenting education, parenting educators and coaches. Fill out our speaker application! We'd love to have you join us.
Spread the word!
May 18 and 19, 2012 at the Bellevue Hilton.
(c) 2011, Amy Lang & Kim Estes. All Rights Reserved.
Views expressed by guest bloggers may not be the views of Washington Parenting Education Network or all of its members. Guest bloggers are wholly responsible for the content of their posts.
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